. What is Freemasonry of today?
Freemasonry is a Universal Order formed of men of all races, creeds and nationalities, hosted by their moral and intellectual qualities and assembled in order to build a Humane Society, founded in Brotherly Love, hoping to love God, the Motherland , the Family and Next, with tolerance, Virtue and Wisdom and the Truth and the constant research in the triad LIBERTY, EQUALITY AND FRATERNITY, within the principles of the Order of Reason and Justice, the world reaches the General Happiness and Peace Universal.
. Freemasonry is a secret society?
Freemasonry is not a secret society, in the sense as such term is generally employed. A secret society is one that has hidden agendas and concealed its existence as well as the dates and places of its meetings. The goal and purpose of Freemasonry, its laws, history and philosophy have been published in books that are for sale in any bookstore. The only secrets that Freemasonry retains the ceremonies are employed in the admission of its members and the means used by Masons to meet.
. Freemasonry is a religion?
Freemasonry is not a religion in the sense of being a cult, but a cult that unites men of good morals. Freemasonry does not promote any dogma that must be accepted by all tactically, but in men inculcates the practice of virtue, offering no panaceas for the redemption of sins. His creed consists of only two articles of faith that were not invented by men, but are instinctively them since the earliest times of history: The existence of God and the Immortality of the Soul which has as a corollary the Brotherhood of Man under the Fatherhood of God.
. Freemasonry is anti-religious?
Freemasonry is not against any religion. She teaches and practices tolerance, defending the right to practice the religion of man ed his liking. Masonry does not dogmatize the particularides creed and religion. She recognizes the benefits and goodness and truth of all religions, fighting, while their untruths and fanaticism.
Freemasonry is atheist or agnostic merely?
Freemasonry is not atheist or agnostic. An atheist is one who does not believe in God while the agnostic is one who can not claim, knowingly or not God exists. To be accepted and joining Freemasonry, the candidate must affirm a belief in God.
. Freemasonry is a political party?
Freemasonry is not a political party. She has no party. In principle, Freemasonry supports the love of country, respect for law and order, advocating for the improvement of human conditions. Masons are encouraged to become citizens and get away copies of movements whose tendency is to subvert the peace and order of society, and become doers of the orders and laws of the country where they are living, without ever losing the duty of loving their own country. Freemasonry promotes the concept that there can be no right without a corresponding provision of duties, or privileges without compensation, as well as privileges without responsibility.
. Freemasonry is a society of mutual aid?
Freemasonry is not a society of mutual aid, it does not guarantee anyone the perception of a constant lump sum and none of its members in the event of a disaster or calamity can claim such aid. However, Freemasonry strives so that none of its members suffer or needs to be a burden to others. The Mason needy receive in accordance with the conditions and possibilities of the other members of the Order.
Freemasonry is an ideology or an "ism"?
Freemasonry is neither an ideology nor an "ism." She does not engage with the subtleties of political philosophy, religious or social. But she acknowledges that all men have one origin, share the same nature and has the same hope and therefore must work in unison toward the same goal - the happiness and welfare of society.
. So what is Freemasonry?
Freemasonry is a worldwide organization of men who, using symbolic forms of the ancient builders of temples, voluntarily joined to common purpose to improve society. Admitting in his bosom, men of character, without regard to their race, color or creed, Freemasonry strives to be an international league of dedicated men to live in peace, harmony and brotherly affection.
. What is the mission of Freemasonry?
The mission of Freemasonry is to "make friends, improve their lives, devote themselves to good works, promote truth and recognize how their fellow men and brothers."
The mission of Freemasonry is still the practice of virtue and charity, is to comfort the unhappy, do not turn your back to misery, restore peace of mind and peace to the needy and give new hope to the hopeless.
. Freemasonry invites people to join the church?
Masonry does not "invite" anyone, even the most qualified to become a member of the Order. He who wishes to enter it, must manifest this desire spontaneously, freely and consciously declaring that want to participate.
Freemasonry holds no man oaths incompatible with their conscience or freedom of thought.
. Why not start Freemasonry women?
Having evolved from operative Masonry temples that stood during the construction of cathedrals, Freemasonry has adopted the old regulation which provided that: "People admitted as members of a Lodge must be good men and virtuous principles, freeborn of mature age, no ties that would defeat the think freely, being prohibited the admission of women as well as men of dubious or immoral behavior.
Regularity of Freemasonry is because of sticking to their principles and governed by immutable commandments, among which includes what was said above.
. Why are called temples meeting places?
The places where Masons gather are called temples because, although not a religion or gathering in a church, Freemasonry religiously preserves the rights of individuals to practice religion or belief of their choice, keeping equidistant from different sects or creeds. She teaches everyone how to respect and tolerate various religions of its members.
. Freemasonry Universal obeys a maximum authority?
Even in a country like the United States which now consists of 50 states and has about 4 million Freemasons, Freemasonry fulfills a supreme authority. Freemasonry in each country or in each state of a federation is governed and directed by a Grand Lodge independent and sovereign.
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